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What an amazing summer! During June and July, over 150 staff and volunteers welcomed 584 campers during our 6 youth camp sessions—33% growth in attendance over the last 5 years! About 70% of our campers attend a Church of God or other partner church; the remaining 30% come from other churches and organizations or no home church. Through our scholarship fund, our generous donors and church partners were able to provide registration fee assistance to 47 campers who otherwise would not have been able to attend camp.

The 2018 theme was TOGETHER, based on Romans 12:5: “so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” Our fantastic weekly program directors and staff and volunteer team helped our campers explore what it looks like to be the body of Christ using the examples given in Acts 2—learning, fellowshipping, eating, praying, meeting, sharing, giving, praising, and growing as one Church.

Although we love having fun and experiencing new things, our ultimate goal is for our campers to experience the life change possible through Jesus Christ. 95% of campers reported their relationship with God changed positively because of camp, and 114 campers made decisions to follow Jesus at camp. We are excitedly looking forward to how God may continue this work in 2019!


The theme for this summer is TOGETHER. As we explore Romans 12:5 this summer, we will discover what it looks like to be the body of Christ! A great way to be a part of that learning would be to be prayer partners with us! Below are what you can be praying each day for starting NOW through July 20th. What an amazing way to help illustrate our theme; campers and counselors knowing that people they have never even met, all over the state of Indiana, are specifically praying for THEM each week!

Please in prayer for…


…the directors as they make final plans for the week and prepare their hearts and minds for ministry.

…the counselors as they ready their hearts and prepare for the cabin they will serve.

…the campers’ safe travels to camp and open hearts to what God has in store for them this week.


…the campers and counselors to begin building friendships with their cabin mates and campers.


…the staff and campers’ safety as they go about their many activities during the week exploring God’s creation.


…the campers to store what they are learning in their hearts to apply to their lives back home.


…for restored energy for the entire camp as we finish out the week strong!


…safe travels home for everyone, and that campers, counselors, and directors share the impact of the week with those at home.


…the summer staff’s rest and rejuvenation as they prepare their hearts and camp for the next in-coming camp!


…our summer staff will be gathering at Bedford First Church of God to commit our summer to the Lord with congregational prayer and commissioning. Please specially remember us in your own Wednesday evening gatherings on this date!


It’s National Nurses Week! Each day this week we’ll be introducing you to some of our favorite nurses on the camp Facebook page. Make a donation to Camp Challenge between May 6-12, and we’ll put your gift toward supplying the camp Nurse’s Station, in honor/memory of your favorite nurse!