Year End Giving Challenge
It has been my prayer that the transition from the leadership of Ralph and Lyn Price to the leadership of Brian and Maria Klein will serve as a catalyst for a renewed excitement about Camp Challenge and that the camp will be able to increase and accelerate its impact on the kingdom.
It has been about 60 days since Brian became the Executive Director of Camp Challenge and he and Maria have hit the ground running. In this short time, they have:
- Met with leaders from 7 different churches and organizations. They look forward to meeting with many more in the near future to gather feedback about what people love about the camp and what people would like to see in the future.
- Hosted a work group from Connersville. That group worked to insulate a cabin on the east hill. The result is a cabin that looks and feels much cleaner and more comfortable. The A/C unit in that cabin will work wonders now that the walls are insulated. We have MANY more cabins to do, so other work groups are encouraged to take on the challenge of doing the same thing to other cabins. (Just let Brian know if you are interested).
- W
interized the bathhouse and the dining hall. Protecting our buildings over the cold winter months so they will be ready to go in 2014.
- Started to make the house their home by replacing all of the flooring (it was all 20+ years old), changing one room back into a garage, and painting ALL of the walls. Their goal is to be in the house by Christmas. In the meantime their family is living in the nurse’s quarters in the administrative building.
- Started to work on a couple of surprises for 2014!
I am excited about the energy and ideas Brian and Maria have and want to show them our support by providing the resources necessary to implement their vision. With this letter I am asking that you consider making a financial gift to the camp to help “kick-start” the beginning of the Klein era at Camp Challenge.
I specifically would like for you to consider joining the Camp Challenge Fire Circle. This is a way for individuals to come alongside the ministry of the camp through regular monthly financial support. This support can provide a base so that the camp does not have to worry about the basic bills from month to month. While any dollar amount is welcome, we have established named giving levels of Spark at $25 per month, Flame at $50 per month, and Blaze at $100 per month.
The Camp Challenge family has already started to get on board. During the month of November, we doubled both the number of Fire Circle members and the monthly gifts given by those members. It is my prayer that we can double that number again during the month of December.
In order to encourage you to assist with the Kick Start, one of our ministry partners has agreed to match 50 percent of the first year of your monthly contributions or 25 percent of any one time gifts given during the month of December. You can give at
Your partner in ministry,
Kevin Wilson
Chairman, Camp Challenge Board of Directors