Stay warm during these cold winter months by counting down the days until your week at camp in 2009. Check out the new dates by clicking here and mark your calendar. Register before June 1 to get the early bird discount.
Meanwhile, remember all the fun you had at camp last summer by checking out photos and memories here.
Sabra Snider’s has attended Camp Challenge for seven years. We asked her to tell us a little about Camp ’08:
What was your favorite part about camp? Haha, where do I start? It’s so hard to pick a favorite. I suppose it would have to be meal times. For one, I love camp food! Haha. What I really love is the time to relax and get to know everyone while enjoying a nice meal. Dinner makes time for great conversation.
Who did you enjoy spending time with at camp and why?
Everyone! I absolutely love getting to know people. Everyone has a story, and Camp Challenge is one place where everyone is accepted no matter what. I met my best friends at Camp in 7th grade, and even though we live halfway across the state, we’re still great friends today! Now we are counselors together every summer, and I cherish that time that I have with them. What about camp are you still laughing about? Oh my goodness… There was a skit this summer involving the director of a jr. high camp putting peanut butter in his armpits, and two of the male counselors made a sandwich from it and ate it! It was so gross, but everyone laughed, even the girls!
How has your life changed from attending camp?
I definitely went home this year feeling encouraged and empowered. I recently accepted the call to be a Youth Pastor, and while that prospect is a little intimidating, the people at camp form such a core group of support and encouragement in whatever you do. I know that with God’s help and the love of my camp friends, I can do anything.
With 10 years experience as a camper, Jenna Janey spent Camp ’08 as a counselor for jr. high girls. Here are her reflections on the summer fun:
How has your life changed from attending camp?
If I would not have gone to camp, I would not have gone to Greenwood all the time. I used to visit camp friends there ALL the time. I developed so many friendships throughout the years with the help of Camp Challenge. Also, I had more of a longing for God in my life after my senior year of camp. I was tired of settling for the same old routine. I used to go to camp, become on fire for God, get home, and just go back to the old life. I wanted more than that finally.
If someone was thinking about going to camp but was hesitant, what would you say to encourage them to attend?
At Camp Challenge you make life long friendships. Every camper leaves with new friends and a list of e-mail addresses. It’s so much fun! Your directors always have an exciting week planned so expect the unexpected.
Looking for a place to hold your next retreat, meeting, worship service or team-building exercise? Located 10 miles east of Bedford, Indiana, the natural setting of Camp Challenge serves as the ideal backdrop.
Just ask Craig Knisely, youth pastor at Westlake Community Church of God in Indianapolis. Craig has been using the Camp Challenge facilities for his youth group’s fall retreat for several years. He says he hasn’t found any better camp around. “Nora Hunter is beautiful and convenient,” he applauds. “And the grounds are perfect. There’s so much space to do anything we want.”
Ready to book your next retreat? Click here for more information.